› added 6 years ago


TIL there has been a fire burning since 1962 underneath the borough of Centralia, Pennsylvania causing residents to evacuate and has turned the town into a "near-ghost town" with only 7 residents left.

0d05y TIL of the 'Azolla event', a situation in which a species of floating fern covered the Arctic Ocean ~49 million years ago; scientists suspect the fern grew so aggressively that it removed enough CO2 from the atmosphere to initiate a global ice age
5Y678 TIL of Lady Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII. She had her son at just 13 years old after marrying Edmund Tudor, who was 12 years her senior. He died of the plague when she was seven months pregnant. Since she was so young, the birth was extremely difficult.
b6oL0 TIL The Salvation Army was originally opposed by and fought with The Skeleton Army which was composed of lower and working class citizens, punks and miscreants who objected to the SA's views on abstinence and temperence.
95M7 TIL illegal Sardinian Cheese, its illegal since the cheese is made from goats milk that is fermented in a a newborn baby goat’s stomach. The baby goat is killed, its milk filled stomach is then hung up for months while the milk hardens into cheese, and then serve with a knife.
VAD8 TIL Wellington didn’t win the Battle of Waterloo and ruined people who knew better. The Prussian General Blücher won the battle and his name of the battle (Battle of Belle Alliance) should be remembered, as the victor has the right to name the battle.