› added 5 years ago


TIL that the entomologist Justin O. Schmidt created the ''Schmidt sting pain index''. This scale rates the pain from stings of ants, wasps and bees. While getting stung by a warrior wasp, he told to himself: ''Torture. You are chained in the flow of an active volcano. Why did I start this list?''.

R7rdw TIL in 1927, a store that sold blocks of ice called the Southland Ice Company decided to keep extended hours, from 7am-11pm. They changed their name to 7-11. Once, after a football game, customers kept coming in and they were not able to close all night, so they adopted a 24 hour model
oRN1r TIL that breast cancer used to be known as "Nun's disease" due to the higher prevalence amongst nuns, who were at increased risk due to their celibate lifestyle. An association between reproductive history and cancer risk wasn't proven for about 250 years after it was associated with nuns.
DZyj TIL a cartoonist filed a lawsuit against DreamWorks for stealing his pitch “Kung Fu Panda Power” as a basis for “Kung Fu Panda.” He withdrew his lawsuit when it was discovered his drawings were traced from a Lion King coloring book. He currently faces charges for wire fraud and perjury.
XEvYr TIL of Ching Shih. Originally a prostitute who married a pirate, she ended up commanding a fleet of 20,000-40,000 pirates, battling the Portuguese empire, British empire, and Qing Dynasty at various stages. She married her adopted son, had two children with him and died a free woman at age 69.
JA5k TIL William Shakespeare added over 1700 words to the English language, such as “torture” and “swagger”.