› added 11 years ago


TIL - Buzz Aldrin, a Presbyterian, was the first person to hold a religious ceremony on the Moon. After landing on the Moon, he gave himself Communion on the surface of the Moon, but he kept it secret because of a lawsuit brought over the reading of Genesis on Apollo 8

p8QVb TIL the University of Oxford was founded (1096) before humanity finally reached New Zealand (1250).
JYJv8 TIL: Smithfield Foods, a farming company who owns over 500 farms across the US was sold to China in 2013
QQEe TIL if you microwave a sliced grape, it can explode in a fireball of super-heated plasma.
WkD6Y TIL 96 Percent of Americans use automatic cars while 80 Percent of Europeans use manual
rNAmy TIL Heaviest Animals to Wander the Earth