› added 7 years ago


TIL that the Osage Indians were once the richest per capita people in the world due to oil reserves on their land. Congress then passed a law requiring court appointed “guardians” to manage their wealth. Over 60 Osage were murdered from 1921-1925, their land rights passed to the guardian.

wxk6 TIL Brad Pitt rented a resort in Mexico for Y2K, invited friends over and bribed the government to cut the power and phone lines at midnight. Then he had troops sent over to arrest one of his friends for drug charges.
9b0p TIL a biotech startup has managed to 3-D print rhino horns that genetically similar to a real horn. The company plans to flood Chinese and Vietnamese markets, where demand is high, and bring down the price.
EgnrV TIL a group of folks in New Guinea used to not want worms consuming the remains of their deceased loved ones and so decided to eat the bodies themselves. They removed the brain, mixed it with ferns, and cooked it in bamboo tubes. They ate everything at the funerals except the gall bladders
4NDJ TIL that the pyramids being built by slaves is a myth caused by Herodotus the Greek historian and explorer when he visited Egypt 2000 years after they were built.
69vPW TIL that people with synesthesia, a neurological phenomenon where stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second pathway, often possess unique and vivid perceptions of the world. For example, the letter "A" might consistently appear as red.