› added 7 years ago


TIL Earth’s temperatures are currently rising at least 10 times faster than at any time during the past 65 million years.

xVZQ0 TIL that despite being politically and culturally associated with Europe for a millennium, Greenland is geographically located in North America.
mJlR TIL that the first arrest for Marijuana possession and selling occurred in Denver, Colorado on October 2, 1937
6EEaJ Yes, it’s true that most jetliners are certified for automatic landings, called “autolands” in pilot-speak. But in practice they are rare. Fewer than 1 percent of landings are performed automatically, and the fine print of setting up and managing one of these landings is something I could talk about all day. If it were as easy as pressing a button, I wouldn’t need to practice them twice a year in the simulator or periodically review those tabbed, highlighted pages in my manuals. In a lot of respects, automatic landings are more work-intensive than those performed by hand. The technology is there if you need it for that foggy arrival in Buenos Aires with the visibility sitting at zero, but it’s anything but simple.
v149B TIL The State of Israel is widely believed to possess nuclear weapons. Nuclear technician and whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu revealed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986. Later he was drugged, abducted and secretly transported to Israel and ultimately convicted.
vwG8 TIL it is illegal in the US to broadcast a phone call on the radio unless all parties consent before recording. If your local morning show has a prank call, “birthday scam”, or “expose your cheating lover” segment, it’s 100% fake.