› added 9 years ago


TIL British car firm Jaguar changed its name from SS Cars in 1945 for obvious reasons. It’s choice of logo did not help

KOGrE TIL of the infamous "Chicken Incident", when a chicken made its way on the stage of an Alice Cooper gig. Cooper, thinking a chicken would fly, picked it up and proceeded to throw it onto the crowd. It landed on the first few rows occupied by wheelchair users, who then teared the chicken to pieces.
7rdrZ TIL "Yankee Doodle" was written by the British to mock americans. "Doodle" is thought to come from the German "dödel", meaning "fool" or "simpleton" and "macaroni," a flamboyantly stylish type of dress, painting the Yankees as morons who thought placing a feather in one's cap made them a "dandy."
gpy8 TIL of Operation Paul Bunyan which included 60 US troops, 64 South Korean Special Forces troops, 7 attack heli’s, an array of attack jets, nuclear ready B-52 bombers, and 12,00 troops on stand-by to finish cutting down a tree after North Korean soldiers killed 2 US soldiers cutting a tree.
Wk56o TIL that there's a brewery in Copenhagen that's set up specifically to employ people with autism spectrum diagnoses. It's 90% staffed by autistic folks and they're looking at working with veterans with PTSD too.
Ypm1v TIL in spring of 1942 German U-boats terrorized east coast of US sinking fuel tankers and cargo ships with impunity and often within sight of shore and in less than 7 months destroyed 22 percent of the tanker fleet and sank 233 ships killing 5,000 ...more than 2X number who perished at Pearl Harbor.