› added 3 years ago


TIL Traudl Junge worked as Adolf Hitler's last private secretary, from 1942 to 1945, typing out his last will and testament the day before his suicide. At 22, she was the youngest of his private secretaries, and years later said she felt guilty for, "liking the greatest criminal ever to have lived."

XEeZX TIL Bob Geldof said of 'Do They Know It's Christmas,' "I am responsible for two of the worst songs in history. The other one is 'We Are the World'."
DQAQp TIL that in 1920, then-Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Herbert Hoover (then a businessman who had no official political affiliation) to run for the Democratic Nomination for President and choose Roosevelt to be his running mate.
KYMn6 TIL about the Niland Geyser, a mud spring that actually moves from one place to another. Engineers even tried to stop it from impinging on the Union Pacific Railroad, but failed.
mnox TIL that Koala’s have the lowest brain to body mass of any mammal which means they are not very intelligent, for example, they can on eat Eucalypitus on branches but if you place the leaves on a plate, they would not be smart enough to know it is food and eat it.
j7kn TIL wild young female chimps care for sticks the same way girls play with dolls, something not seen in males. Also, captive male monkeys prefer to play with trucks, and females with dolls, suggesting there is something biological about the sexes that make us prefer toward different toys.