› added 5 years ago


TIL A Nigerian cook survived 60 hours in an overturned tugboat at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean, and rescue divers were startled when the cook's hand grabbed them as they did a 'body recovery' dive

wLQ81 TIL in 1749 a stage show was advertised a where a man would squeeze his body into a wine bottle. It was a bet between the Duke of Portland and the Earl of Chesterfield that they could advertise something impossible and get fools to pay for it. The sold out theatre rioted when no performer showed up.
eYO6 TIL Jimi Hendrix was once invited to play with Cream alongside Eric Clapton. In the middle of the show, Clapton walked off stage. He was found in the back shaking angrily and smoking a cigarette. When asked what was wrong, he simply replied, “You never told me he was that fucking good.”
wLNaM TIL about Owney the Postal Dog! He was a terrier mix that captured the hearts of railway postal workers and rode the trains with them. They even awarded him medals for his service - so many that they filled his collar and a little harness, special-made. Owney was a very good boy, indeed!
aMVo TIL that on April Fools Day 1974, an man hauled 70 tires into the crater of a dormant volcano in Alaska and set them on fire, terrifying nearby residents into thinking the volcano was erupting again.
neNdb TIL that in 2015, Americans left 658 million vacation days unused. 222 million of those days were lost because they could not be rolled over, meaning Americans worked $61 billion dollars worth of time for free.