› added 4 years ago


TIL Namarrkon is an important creation ancestor (in Burrungkuy (Nourlangie) N. Territory, Australia) who is responsible for the violent lightning storms that occur every tropical summer -- And he looks like an alien.

PYbaZ TIL:New research finds there is no “right thing” to say when you want to be supportive. Trying too hard to say the right thing could actually lead you to make “clumsy statements that do more harm than good”. Your “mere presence and sympathy is likely enough”.
b9jNE TIL there is a traditional Sardinian cheese banned in the EU that is filled with live maggots and secretes liquid (not safe for life)
o7YL TIL that when a young girl was invited to meet President Coolidge, someone made a bet against her claiming that it was impossible for the president to say more than two words to her. When the girl told the president about the bet, President Coolidge responded, “You lose.”
5YEjB TIL about Ettore Majorana, a colleague and friend of Fermi, Heisenberg and Bohr among many others, he was considered to be a genius comparable to the greats like Newton and Galilei by most physics of his time, he mysteriously disappeared in 1938 and was never seen again.
lokgG TIL American cyclist Floyd Landis, stripped of his 2006 Tour de France win due to doping, later became a whistleblower for the World Anti-Doping Agency and the U.S. government, which would eventually result in the investigation of his former teammate, Lance Armstrong.