› added 5 years ago


TIL Charles Schulz always disliked the title of Peanuts, which was given to his comic strip by the syndicate. In a 1987 interview, Schulz said of it: "It's totally ridiculous, has no meaning, is simply confusing, and has no dignity—and I think my humor has dignity."

N7KV1 TIL that during the manhattan project, there was a legitimate concern that upon the detonation of an atomic bomb, the atmosphere would ignite and turn the earth into a mini star, killing everybody.
aAey TIL that for unknown reasons, during a bidding war with a consortium of tech firms for Nortel’s 6,000 patents, Google bid $1,902,160,540, then $2,614,972,128, and eventually $3.14159 billion (references to Brun’s constant, Meissel–Mertens constant, and pi)
5Yv6k TIL about Liam Ashley a 17 year old boy from New Zealand who had criminal charges pressed against him by his parents for using their car without permission. His parents denied bail so he would be sent to prison. While being transported in a prison van, He was attacked by a offender and killed.
Z80Ko TIL there are more than 5000 companies worldwide that are older than 200 years. More than 3000 of them are located in Japan and the oldest company in the world was Kongō Gumi, a construction company in Japan, which had its origin traced back to 578 AD. It was liquidated in 2006.
vQoB TIL there was a group of raider colonies in ancient Egypt who terrorized the Mediterranian coast, that has gone relatively unidentified to this day. The are collectively known as the Sea Peoples, and according to Ramesses II, no one knew how to fight against them or could withstand them.