› added 4 years ago


TIL of Dr. Sam Sheppard, a neurosurgeon who was convicted of killing his wife, was later acquitted of the charge and went on to become a pro wrestler. He invented the mandible claw, a move popularized by Mankind(aka Mick Foley)

rOad TIL people believed that sufferers of Williams Syndrome, who have charming & extraordinarily kind personalities, had extraordinary, even magical powers. The word ‘elfin’ was used to describe their facial features. This is believed to be the origin of elves, fairies & 'wee folk’ in English folklore.
a897y TIL "Hiérarchie du cocuage" is a short text by Charles Fourier, first published posthumously in the "Manuscripts of Fourier" and then in 1924 in a separate volume. It is a classification of the 79 different kinds of cuckolds.
M5Ma TIL of the ADE 651, a fake bomb detector consisting a swivelling antenna mounted via a hinge to a plastic handgrip, requiring no battery, and supposedly charged by the user’s static electricity. It sold for $60,000 until its creator was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for fraud.
GY5OG TIL a snuffle mat is made from fabric strips tied to a rubber mat. The mats are meant to hide treats for your dog inside the curly fabric strips. Snuffle mats combine a scenting game with mental stimulation for dogs which have a sense of smell up to 100 million times a human.
Vnm0 TIL the inventor of the ATM proposed a 6 digit bank PIN but switched it to 4 digits because it was the longest string of numbers that his wife could remember.