› added 10 years ago


TIL in 1979, two men arrived at a sheriff’s office claiming to have been abducted by aliens with lobster-claw hands. Left alone in a room with a secret recording device to expose their lie, they instead continued to talk in “terribly distressed” voices about the abduction.

PYbew TIL of Bayard Rustin, the gay civil rights leader and advisor to MLK who singlehandedly shaped his non-violent protest methods. He was forced to resign to protect the movement when a congressman threatened to fabricate a story of an affair between him and King to dissuade protests in his district.
e0N5 TIL Since 1988, US Presidential Debates aren’t debates at all, but closer to scripted news conferences where questions are agreed upon by both parties, answers are rehearsed into concise sound bites, and third parties are discouraged from participating.
YpePx TIL about Ralph Lauren, the billionaire fashion mogul. His last name was Lifshitz but he changed it to Lauren when he was 16 because it had the word 'shit' in it and other children used to make fun of him.
1jKV TIL Gangsta’s Paradise is one of the few Coolio songs to not feature profanity because it was the only way Stevie Wonder would authorise the sampling of his song ‘Pastime Paradise’
9Yj5G TIL, American pilots flew P-51 Mustangs in Very Long Range misisons operating from the island of Iwo Jima during WW2. These 7+ hour missions involved flying 3 hours across the open Pacific to targets in Japan and then 3+ hours return flight. Threats included bad weather, flak, enemy planes, etc.