› added 2 years ago


TIL in 1950 the Boyscouts of America ran a 40th anniversary campaign called "Strengthen the Arm of Liberty" where they sent ~200 copper replicas of the Statue of Liberty around the US. Despite being over 8' tall and weighing 260lb, many have been lost and now only ~100 can be accounted for.

5YnjR TIL that after Korean soccer player, Ahn Jung-hwan scored the goal to eliminate Italy from the 2002 World Cup, his contract was cancelled by Perugia- the Italian club he played for, for ‘ruining Italian soccer.’
gKM4 TIL during the cleanup of the Cocoanut Grove fire in 1942 (which killed 492 people) firefighters found several dead guests sitting in their seats, with drinks in their hands. They had been overcome so quickly by fire and toxic smoke that they hadn’t had time to move.
neGMd TIL Famed Chess player Bobby Fischer is such an anti-semite that he once journaled "it’s ... time for vigilante killings of Jews – random killings of Jews." He even drafted a letter to Osama Bin Laden sharing his hatred and is a vehement holocaust denier.
R7Jn4 TIL that the white mustache-looking skin above a pigeon's beak is called a wattle, and that it mainly serves to release excess heat from the bird's body. It's actually a trait that many birds have, such as the red piece of skin below a rooster's neck.
oZMR TIL you absorb roughly half the protein from an egg if you eat it raw vs cooking it. In other words, Rocky would have been better off frying his eggs as opposed to drinking them raw.