› added 5 days ago

TIL the Ilkhanate, the Mongol-ruled Iranian empire, experienced decline under the reign of Gaykhatu (1291–1295). His mismanagement of the empire's finance as well as alleged sexual relations with a boy led him being assassinated by his cousin Baydu in 1295, which will reigin as the new khan.

Rbaw TIL the estimated cost of the steel to build the Death Star is $852,000,000,000,000,000
mxEYE TIL that the Shipping Forecast, broadcast four times daily by the BBC, was established following a shipwreck in 1859 and is the world's longest running continuous weather forecast. With its lyrical sea area names, familiar theme and calm delivery, many listeners use the 0048 broadcast as a lullaby.
gMO54 TIL In 1994, the KKK applied to sponsor a section of the Interstate 55 highway near St. Louis, Missouri. The Supreme Court ruled the state could not refuse the KKK's sponsorship. But the state of Missouri took revenge by renaming the entire stretch of highway the "Rosa Parks Freeway."
PY0vn TIL of Barry Marshall who challenged the scientific consensus that ulcers were caused by stress. After being ridiculed and having his papers rejected in 1984 he infected himself with ulcer inducing bacteria and proved the scientific elites wrong. He subsequently won the Nobel Prize in Medicine
d8mP7 TIL California Endangered Species Act doesn't include protection provisions for insects; instead of trying to add insects to the act, a group of environmentalists tried to get bees categorized as fish because the act's definition of fish includes animals without backbones.