› added 1 year ago


TIL that LionAir of Indonesia neglected maintenance of their Boeing 737MAX’s sensors for more than a week prior to the accident. The engineer responsible lied to investigators and forged documents about the aircraft’s maintenance history.

rNODw TIL about James Dallas Egbert III - a 16-year old college student at MSU who experienced an episode of self-harm and disappeared for several days. A family-retained private investigator believed Dungeons & Dragons was responsible, & began a nationwide panic sweeping both country & gaming industry.
d8NBQ TIL that Alma, Arkansas (self-declared "Spinach Capital of the World") has a giant, bronze Popeye statue in the middle of Popeye Park that was unveiled in 2007 during their annual Spinach Festival.
VArk TIL a man earned 4 million airline miles for free without breaking any laws by using his credit card to purchase free-delivery $1 coins from the U.S. mint.
6Ej1X TIL that humans can regenerate some of their organs through a process called compensatory hypertrophy. When part of the liver is removed or destroyed, the remaining portion grows to the original size and allows the liver to function as it did before. Kidneys and lungs can also similarly compensate.
Pmye TIL Liberty, President Gerald Ford’s dog, was trained to create diversions in meetings. If Ford wanted to end a conversation in the Oval Office, he would signal Liberty and she would go to the guest wagging her tail, creating a natural break.