› added 1 year ago


TIL of American mercenary William Walker. After failing to conquer parts of Mexico, he overthrew the Nicaraguan government in 1856 and ruled as its president for nearly a year, receiving recognition from President Franklin Pierce. He was overthrown, and executed after preparing for another invasion.

GYo1 TIL In 2007, an unmanned yacht was discoverd drifting off the coast of Australia. The engine was running, a laptop was running, the radio and GPS were working and a meal was set to eat, but the three-man crew were not on board.
wLaVW TIL All the McBain clips in The Simpsons make a short McBain Movie when you play then back to back.
EVm0 TIL that after arriving in Los Angeles at 19, a broke Charlize Theron tried to cash a check from her mother to pay for rent, but the teller refused. She got into a shouting match with him, drawing the attention of a talent agent behind her, who introduced her to casting agents and an acting school.
8ZnP TIL the reason dogs bark at the mailman is because dogs learn quickly that their barking often makes the intruder go away. This is the case when your dog barks at the mailman. He thinks he is doing his job of protecting his home because when he barks the intruder leaves immediately, every time.
lJMK TIL in 1995 drug giant GlaxoSmithKline gathered over one hundred black and hispanic orphans, including toddlers and babies, to test the “toxicity” of their AIDS medication on them. They continued to do this for nearly ten years.