› added 8 years ago


TIL of the Kalash people, a white-skinned, blue-eyed tribe in the back country of Pakistan, who claim to be descendants of the ancient Greeks.

oBrDW TIL that President Roosevelt's dog, Fala, was so well known to Americans during his presidency that American soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge would ask each other what the president's dog was named in order to prove that they weren't Germans in disguise.
awXyL TIL Typist Linda Chen worked without pay in the Pulp Fiction screenplay, on the condition that Tarantino would rabbit-sit Honey Bunny, her pet, when she went on location. He refused, and the rabbit later died; Tarantino named the character in Pulp Fiction played by Amanda Plummer in homage to it.
yQv8e TIL that a man named Joseph Bolitho Johns (Moondyne Joe) escaped prison so many times that a special secure prison was built for him. A confident jailor said "if you get out again, I will set you free". Moondyne escaped that as well. He was caught again two years later but jailor kept his word.
D1yMj TIL that only two months after 9/11, on the 12th of November, an American Airlines flight crashed in Queens, NYC, initially spawning concerns of another terror attack. The crashed killed all 260 people aboard, 5 people on the ground, and is the second deadliest plane accident on US soil.
e0PV4 TIL about an Indian maharaja who legally adopted 1000 Ukrainian children orphaned by WW2. He took them to India, kept them safe and brought in Ukrainian teachers to educate them, all using his own money.