› added 4 years ago


TIL that Immanuel Kant promoted "scientific" racism, giving a hierarchy of four races: white Europeans "always advance to perfection", yellow Asians "can never reach the level of abstract concepts", black Africans "can be educated but only as servants", and red Amerindians "cannot be educated"

885V TIL Tony Bennett fought on the front lines in Germany during WWII as an 18 year old G.I. He helped liberate a concentration camp and was demoted for eating lunch with his black friend.
JY9vB TIL the Queen of England is not the Queen of Canada or any other independent commonwealth nation. Although the position is held by the same person (Queen Elizabeth II), each country's monarchy is separate and legally distinct.
1awOW TIL of Bob Jones University - a Protestant college in Greenville, SC that lost its tax-exempt status due to racial discrimination, and chose to pay millions in taxes rather than change its policies regarding interracial dating.
5V5gB TIL The Nazis tried to train dogs to talk, read and spell to help them win World War II. Hitler hoped the clever creatures would learn to communicate with their SS masters - and he even had a special dog school set up to teach them to talk.
loDoK TIL Mt. Rushmore was traditionally known as the Six Grandfathers (Tȟuŋkášila Šákpe). Named by Lakota medicine man after a vision of the six sacred directions: west, east, north, south, above, and below; said to represent kindness and love, full of years and wisdom, like human grandfathers.