› added 3 years ago


TIL that Kazakhstan was the entire Soviet Union for 4 days

GPgJ TIL they detected a particle whizzing about at 0.999 999 999 999 999 999 999 9951 times the speed of light - with energy 20 MILLION times more than the highest energy measured in radiation emitted by an extragalactic object! They call this the “Oh-My-God Particle”.
VnNp TIL that when Joss Whedon was asked why he wrote strong female characters he simply responded “Because you’re still asking me that question.”
QJR4e TIL adult cats rarely meow to each other, so an adult cat meowing to human beings is probably a post-domestication extension of meowing by kittens, a call for attention.
9wxdM TIL that the illustrated wizard on the back cover of first edition of Harry Potter was not any character in the book but a drawing of the illustrator's father. The artist did not know the book would end up being a hit and just drew any random picture instead.
wLXpJ Jedidiah Jenkins quit his job and decided to bike from Oregon to the southern tip of South America. His best friend, filmmaker Kenny Laubbacher, came along for the ride. This short film follows Jenkins as he shares what he's learned from his journey so far. “When you’re a kid, everything is astonishing. Everything is new, and so your brain is awake and turned on ... Once your brain establishes a routine, it stops ... the alertness goes away,” he says. By choosing adventure Jenkins is able to reactivate his brain and turn his “hundred years on this planet into a thousand.