› added 4 years ago


TIL that in UK in the 18th century people with epilepsy were automatically thrown in prison, because at the time criminology centered around physical features determining whether the individual was guilty or not

b9kO7 TIL that Colonel Sanders', the founder of KFC, title of Colonel wasn't earned in recognition of a distinguished military career, rather he was a Kentucky Colonel, which is the highest title of honour commissioned by the Governor of Kentucky.
D1Vgj TIL about the Proto-Indo-European motif of 'Chaoskampf', depicting a battle between a cultural deity and a 'chaos monster', often in the shape of a serpent/dragon. Nearly all Indo-European mythologies contain a version of it, and the protagonist is usually associated with thunder in some aspect.
A9lx TIL Ostriches are the largest and heaviest birds in the world, they can outrun Leopards, their kick is strong enough to kill a Lion, male Ostriches can roar like a lion and they can see as far as 2.2 miles (3.5 km).
69Qdw TIL about Scheele’s Green (aka Schloss Green), an arsenic-laced artificial color very popular in the 19th century, showing up in artificial flowers, candles, toys, fashionable ladies’ clothing, soap, beauty products, confections, and wallpaper and leading to scores of deaths.
4MZ5 TIL that in his second book written in 1928 , Hitler ranked the U.S. as the MOST dangerous potential enemy. He saw majority of Americans as “Aryans” ruled by Jewish plutocracy; he saw UK as potential ally, Russians “incapable of intelligent thought” and France rapidly “Negroizing” itself