› added 2 years ago


TIL in 2017, a 10-minute song of silence entitled "A a a a a Very Good Song" became one of the top selling songs on iTunes because it helped solve the problem of car stereos playing the first song from an iPhone playlist in alphabetical order, giving people enough time to pick a song.

WkG89 TIL a 1485 poem describes the knight who killed Richard III as having 'shaved the boar's head.' This was thought to be a metaphor for beheading until his bones were discovered. The back of Richard III's skull had been sliced off. According to a French chronicler, it had been done with a halberd.
bRBE TIL the Dodge Brothers built all of the engines for Oldsmobile and all of the parts for the Ford Model T. They also served beer to employees at the factory on hot days and had a part of the plant called the “Play Pen” where workers could invent and create things after hours.
vPjnK TIL that privacy debate suffers from a narrow understanding of the problem. The ways in which privacy invasions can cause harm to law-abiding individuals are often ignored, underestimated or even deliberately concealed, leading to the widespread (but misguided) “I have nothing to hide” attitude.
ADnv4 TIL about the scholarship instituted by the Irish commemorating the 170$ donation sent by the Native American Choctaw tribe during the Irish famine in 1847
xVvxb TIL that many early texts described Jesus as "ugly and small". He is estimated to have been four feet, six inches tall.