› added 6 years ago


TIL the selling of human hair extensions is a multi-billion dollar industry, and this common practice means there are tons of rich girls walking around wearing poor girls' hair.

rN51w TIL Queen Victoria’s grandson Waldemar had hemophilia. The German royal was treated well by the Nazis and received multiple blood transfusions. In 1945 when Germany fell, all medical resources were diverted to holocaust survivors. The Americans refused Waldemar a transfusion and he died at age 56.
1aY44 TIL Most libraries & large book collections have industrial freezers. Freezing inhibits mold growth, gives time to save others & makes for easier cleaning.
xVNy0 TIL about Richard Lynn, a psychologist that produced various controversial studies to map IQ levels based on race and sex. He also believes that some races are inherently more psychopathic than others. Critics have widely criticized him for being the face of scientific racism.
9wvP6 TIL I learned that in 2012, in an attempt to reduce the number of people ending their lives by jumping off of South Korea's Mapo Bridge, the bridge was renamed The Bridge of Life and was decorated with life affirming messages. The amount of people jumping actually increased the following year.
mm9M TIL that in 1860, futurologists predicted that NYC would not exist in 100 years because the present growth rate indicated 6 million people, and they would need 6 million horses, and they could not handle that amount of manure.