› added 4 years ago


TIL experiments found that the colors of light reflected on crops while growing can affect their products: tomatoes grown over red mulch had 20% higher yield, carrots grown over yellow mulch had higher concentrations of beta carotene, "far-red" light increased the lengths of cotton fibers, and more.

OGVgR TIL the creator of Microsoft DirectX said that the "radiation" logo and the internal name "The Manhattan Project" was an intentional reference to atomic bombs, since they wanted to dethrone the Japanese from their dominance of the video game industry
p86Ob TIL that Brazil was the only South American country to send troops abroad during World War II
4kvrJ TIL Jeopardy! contestant James Holzhauer is the 3rd highest-earning American game show contestant ever at $3.52 million & also holds the single-game winnings record at $131,127. He's the first & only player to win $100,000+ in a single episode and he accomplished this feat six times.
MbGA TIL that Daniel Day-Lewis, while playing Hamlet, collapsed, sobbing uncontrollably, during the scene where the ghost of Hamlet’s father appears. He later said that he saw the ghost of his own father, and has not appeared on stage since then.
b9vlZ TIL that Glenn Shadix, the actor who played Otho in Beetlejuice, was subjected to “ex gay” electrical shock treatments when he came out to his parent. When this failed to change his orientation, he attempted suicide and survived a 3 day coma. After the incident, his parents accept ed his sexuality.