› added 4 years ago


TIL I learned that Owls can't move their eyes at all - they can only look straight ahead. To compensate, they use their long, flexible necks to move their eyes through 270 degrees of rotation. Their eye 'structures' provide fantastic vision and account for up to five percent of their body weight.

8axwG TIL when Amelia Earhart was proposed by her boyfriend George Putnam, she suggested a one-year temporary marriage to test its feasibility . She also said, "On our life together I shall not hold you to any medieval code of faithfulness to me nor shall I consider myself bound to you similarly."
Me5jm TIL that Ernest Hemingway worked for the KGB, tracked Nazi U-Boats from his fishing boat in Cuba, got charged with war crimes while leading a French militia against the Nazis, and had a six toed cat (marked as NSFW for other information provided in link)
mKjE TIL There is a George Constanza themed bar in Melbourne, Australia, with the menu including references from the famous TV show ‘Seinfeld’
nW7yG TIL in 2002, John Muhammad (41) & Lee Malvo (17) went on a random killing spree known as the D.C. Sniper Attacks. However, their rampage actually began months before on the West Coast. They murdered 17 people (injured 10) in Washington, Arizona, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Maryland, Virginia, & DC.
l6NN TIL That after using his body as a shield against a grenade and absoring 43 pieces of fragmentation, along with being shot 7 times by 7.62x39mm rounds, Sgt Bradley Kasal refused to quit fighting and his credited with saving the lives of several other Marines along with his own