› added 5 years ago


TIL because of the vastness of the deep ocean, when a male and female anglerfish mate their bodies fuse into one. The male's now useless body parts like eyes and fins wither away. He spends the rest of his life attached to her like a parasite, taking food and providing her with babies.

0d17y TIL that on April 28, 1988, the Boeing 737-297 serving the flight between Hilo and Honolulu in Hawaii suffered explosive decompression in flight, caused by part of the fuselage breaking, but managed to land at Kahului airport on Maui. A stewardess was swept away by the decompression, presumed dead.
nWlGG TIL With the 1971 first encounter with the Tasaday people in the Philippines, western anthropologists became suspicious. Living with limited technology and stone tools, they appeared so close to the stone-age stereotype that anthropologists began suspecting them of being an elaborate hoax
R5lna TIL: Marmite, the famous yeast spread has a crazy long shelf. You could eat Marmite that was made in 1945, and it would be protected. Its flavor would have changed. However, it would, in any case, taste great.
woXd7 TIL that Joseph Smith, the founder of the LDS Church, aka Mormon Church, was assassinated in 1844 in Illinois by a mob. He was running for president at the time and is the first presidential candidate in US History to be assassinated
lVYK TIL that the government of Turkmenistan provides their citizens free power, water, electricity, natural gas and 120 litres of fuel per month to car owners, and will continue to do so until the year 2030