› added 4 years ago


TIL having shot a man in the head, Andrew Lyons's lawyer argued for manslaughter. The victim died when a surgeon transplanted the heart from the brain-dead victim: Andrew's bullet wasn't fatal. Following the case California issued a law allowing surgeons to transplant organs from brain-dead patients

4kyDa TIL about Major Josef Gangl, a Wehrmacht officer and the only known fatality from the Battle of Castle Itter, where Wehrmacht soldiers teamed with American soldiers to defend the castle from the Waffen SS. He died while escorting former French Prime Minister, Paul Raynaud, to safety.
GY1dN TIL that the United States avoided the thalidomide tragedy because FDA inspector Frances Kelsey blocked its approval based on lack of safety data despite pressure from her FDA supervisors and the pharmaceutical company. Meanwhile, 10,000 thalidomide babies were born in Europe, Australia, and Japan
5VxDp TIL that the conical hood is called a Capirote that is originally used by Catholic Penitants dating its use as far back to the Inquisition times before it was appropriated by a certain Wizard Klub. It is still being used today by penitants in parts of Spain Mexico and Guatemala during Holy Week.
v14J8 TIL the $2 bill makes up 1% of currency circulation. Its scarcity in daily use has confused some merchants who believe the bill to be fake. A 13 y/o girl in Texas was detained by Police when she tried to pay for her school lunch with a $2 bill, b/c the school’s counterfeit pen wouldn’t work on it.
oVeL TIL that self-made millionaire Harris Rosen adopted a Florida neighborhood called Tangelo Park, cut the crime rate in half, and increased the high school graudation rate from 25% to 100% by giving everyone free daycare and all high school graduates scholarships