› added 5 years ago


TIL - In 1990, BBC’s Tomorrow’s World featured a white, sticky coating with astonishing heat-resisting properties, Starlite. In a demonstration, a raw egg painted with the stuff stayed raw in the heat of a blowtorch. The inventor died in 2011, having failed to strike a deal with any manufacturer.

KQ9R TIL Elephants are so afraid of bees that the mere sound of buzzing is enough to make an entire herd flee. They have even developed a special rumble just to warn each other if bees are nearby.
xVGND TIL names for generic drugs has a prefix and suffix. The suffix tell you how the drug works. The prefix can me made up but has to follow a strict rule including not using the letters Y, H, K, J, and W because certain languages that use the Roman alphabet don't have these letters.
ONWL TIL that Volvo plans for no one to be killed or seriously injured in one of their new cars by 2020.
154W TIL when Columbus first sailed to America his ship’s captain (Rodrigo de Triana) spotted land first but Columbus later claimed he had already seen it a few hours earlier, thereby claiming for himself the lifetime pension that had been promised by King Ferdinand to the first person to sight land.
xWW7 TIL Chef Boyardee was founded by restaurant owner Hector Boiardi in 1928. The idea originated when customers began asking Boiardi for his spaghetti sauce recipe. Ten years later he opened a factory and named his product “Boy-Ar-Dee” to help Americans pronounce his name correctly.