› added 11 years ago


TIL reddit almost went out of business until its users saved it with donations

7rkpZ TIL Martin Luther King's iconic sentence "I have a dream" was improvised. Toward the end of the speech, King departed from his prepared text for a partly improvised peroration on the theme "I have a dream", prompted by Mahalia Jackson's cry: "Tell them about the dream, Martin!"
olJr TIL that during WWII, British intelligence leaked falsified information implying that V-2 rockets were overshooting London by 10 to 20 miles, which made the Germans undershoot and miss London for the rest of the war.
DQYYD TIL, why my sunburns sting so bad. Some soothing gels for sunburns have lidocaine in it to help ease the pain of a burn. However, I am one if the rare few who is allergic to this. So don't be like me and learn the hardway that you can be allergic to lidocaine. Posting to hopefully save some pain.
6EAlm TIL an Assistant US Attorney investigating sexual predators & drug rings was found stabbed 36 times, hundreds of miles from his home. Some wounds were on his back, his hands shredded, his scrotum & neck sliced & there was an unidentified fingerprint in his car. His death was ruled suicide.
BrvXD TIL that the last casualty of the Civil War was the death of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, who after being wounded Battle of Petersburg in 1864 "lingered" until he finally died of his war wounds in 1914. Between his wounding and death he won the medal of honor and was elected Governor of Maine.