› added 8 years ago


TIL Psy was sentenced to 25 days in jail for marijuana possession and as a result was unable to be with his grandfather when he lost his battle with cancer, or attend his funeral

BrGmd TIL that while evaluating security at a Fortune 5 company, a penetration tester was suspicious that the small-town restaurant across the street served black duck eggs, a rare Chinese delicacy. The restaurant was reported to the FBI and was revealed to be a front for a Chinese espionage operation.
4DLo TIL that all navel oranges are united clones from a solitary tree change that happened very nearly 200 years back in Brazil. All things considered, they might all be considered product of that unique tree, and are all hereditarily indistinguishable.
oB9Z8 TIL Brian Boitano went to the South Park movie alone, had never met Stone or Parker and felt surreal when the theater reacted with appreciative laughter to the question of What Would Brian Boitano Do and the song along with it. It has since become a big part of his life that he seems to embrace it
deX8 TIL during World War 1, feminists and suffragettes handed out white feathers to shame men into enlisting in the army and lobbied for instituting an involuntary draft of men, including those who lacked votes due to being too young or not owning property.
v1vAr TIL of Judy, the hero dog of WWII. She saved her fellow soldiers on multiple occasions. Was captured by the Japanese and spent years in the pow camps. She survived multiple ships sinking and was eventually freed and given the Sicken Medal in England.