› added 8 years ago


TIL - the ancient Greek astronomer Eratosthenes of Cyrene, proved that the earth was round in 240 B.C. and also came up with latitude/longitude and was able to calculate the earth’s circumference within 2%.

mxXQY TIL signs saying there are "No Public Restrooms" violate local building codes because nearly every government body adopts the International Plumbing Code 2012 403.3
v1Lp4 TIL Final Solution, a 2003 Indian film allowed a Pirate-and-Circulate campaign in protest against its ban by censor board (Get-a-free-copy-only-if-you-promise-to-pirate-and-make-5-copies). Over 10,000 CDs of the film were distributed and the director uploaded the movie to Vimeo during the campaign.
xVWE5 TIL that introduction of iodized salt in 1920s increased national IQ average by 3.5 points in a decade and in certain states which had high levels of iodine deficiency previously, saw avg IQ increase as much as 15 points within the first decade.
MeGQV TIL Paul Cuffe was born the son of a freed black man and a Native American woman who built his own ship, captained a lucrative whaling business, and snuck supplies through British blockades became the richest man in the city of Westport.
6EMxl TIL why you paid more for your hard disk in 2012: after Saudi Arabian oil company Saudi Aramco was hit by targeted malware W32.DistTrack.Shamoon, its owners sent out the company's private airplane fleet abroad to purchase every available hard drive, causing their global shortage and price increase.