› added 8 years ago


TIL An Irish mummified corpse from 392 - 201 BC was so perfectly preserved in a peat bog that archaeologists could tell that he used “hair gel”; his hair contained a substance made from vegetable oil mixed with resin from pine trees found in Spain/France, proving that imports/trade was done.

wLWnP TIL Jack Nicholson was charged with assault and vandalism after bashing in a car roof/windshield during a road rage incident. Charges were dropped after he wrote a check for 500K. Two years later he was sued for breaking a woman's breast implant, and another for assault on a woman he bribed for sex.
xVyBD TIL the SS Californian was within 15 miles of HMS Titanic the night Titanic sank. The wireless operator for SS Californian sent a message to Titanic that it was stopped and surrounded by ice, then turned off his wireless equipment and went to bed. Titanic collided with the iceberg 10 minutes later.
1ynr TIL that actor Alan Rickman, who portrayed Snape in the Harry Potter films, knew the full story of the character from the very beginning. When he was asked by directors why he delivered lines certain ways he would say that he “knew something they didn’t.”
WkyW4 TIL: Ozzy Osbourne from Black Sabbath once fell asleep during a driving test, waking up to a note saying 'you have failed'. He passed in 2009, age 60, on his 19th attempt.
b9ZN9 TIL that a US federal law, still in existence, permits any US citizen to take possession of any unclaimed island, anywhere in the world — as long as the island has deposits of bird poop on it.