› added 8 years ago


TIL George V did not want his son Edward VIII to become King and told his private secretary that ‘After I am dead the boy will ruin himself in 12 months.’ After George’s death, Edward was King for 10 months and 3 weeks before giving up the throne.

PYNKn TIL about two faced "Janus" cats, named after Roman god who had two faces; one looking into the past, the other the future. They don't usually survive more than a day, but a 2 faced cat named Frank and Louie defied the odds and lived for 15yrs, even appearing in the Guinness World Records book 2006.
XEG4X TIL the sea like sound you hear when you put a seashell near your ear is the echo the noise in the environment BUT ALSO the sound of the blood flowing in your ears and the muscles acting in your ears
vKar TIL in 1877, Jimmy, a monkey, was charged with assault after he bit the finger of Mary Shea, in New York. On hearing the case the judge said he could not legally commit a monkey. Jimmy then respectfully removed his velvet hat, climbed atop the judge’s desk and attempted to shake his hand.
4Qe5 TIL in medieval times Great Danes were thought to ward against evil spirits and ghosts. Scooby Doo is a Great Dane
9Yma6 TIL a secret society, the "Knights of the Golden Circle," plotted for the US to annex and enslave Central America & the Caribbean in order to create a massive Slave State empire. The US even had real opportunities to annex more of Mexico, which Northern abolitionists blocked to prevent such plans.