› added 1 year ago


TIL That in 1840s Australia, there was a rumor about a European women held against her will by the Kurnai people. For two years, the native people of the area were hunted, with a boy being captured. After arranging a meeting, the natives arrived with a statue; the figurehead from the ship, Britannia

7rO7M TIL the first man to get an implanted heart pacemaker in 1958 had it replaced with 21 subsequent models.
7rYMZ TIL The Romans had water powered factories
p6bb TIL Brain Training games don’t make you any smarter.
R76x1 TIL that the Pirates of the Caribbean ride opened at Disneyland in 1967 and the movies are based on the ride
5YZwk TIL alpacas are being used as bodyguards in some turkey farms, since they instinctively accept the birds into their herd and scare off foxes.