› added 1 year ago


TIL that eight years after JFK’s assassination, Jackie Kennedy avoided the public unveiling of their White House portraits, but the Nixons graciously agreed to a secret, private tour for her and her kids. It was her only return visit.

9wORp TIL Adolf Hitler was such a big fan of Disney that his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels gifted him 18 Mickey Mouse shorts for Christmas 1937. Also Roy Disney sold Hitler a copy of Snow White, which he considered one of the greatest movies ever made, though never shown to the German public.
QNkMM TIL about the "Mosquito Device" a special alarm invented in 2005. The device prevents young people from gathering in public spaces by emitting a dangerously high-frequency sound that is intentionally tuned to be heard primarily by younger people.
e0okn TIL that the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia was drilled for 24 years to a depth of 40,230 ft (7.62 miles). That depth is a mere 0.002% of the way to the middle of the Earth. Whoa.
Y7eyx TIL the Blanket octopus has one of the most extreme difference in sizes between sexes known in any animal near its size or larger. Females may reach 2 m (6.6 ft) in length, whereas the males are 2.4 cm (1 inch). To mate, males wrench off specialised arms full of sperm, which are kept by the female
d7aZ TIL a woman won $1.3 million lottery.She hid it from her husband and immediately divorced him to avoid giving him half. He found out and sued. Due a Family Code statute that penalizes spouses for falsifying data about their property during divorce, judge ordered her to give him 100% of the winnings.