› added 3 years ago


TIL of Edward Barton-Wright, one of the first European practitioners of Japanese martial arts. He worked as an Antimony smelter in Japan, where he learned 2 styles of jujitsu. Upon returning to England he opened a school that taught a style named Bartitsu which combined jujitsu, boxing and savate.

deGj TIL that the first settlers of Madagascar arrived from Indonesia several hundred years before the Bantu people of Southeastern Africa came to the island. As a result, the people of Madagascar have some physical features characteristic of Southeast Asians.
owQE TIL that after Tom Cruise called Brooke Shields ‘irresponsible’ for claiming that she medically cured her postpartum depression, she responded “Tom should stick to saving the world from aliens and let women who are experiencing postpartum depression decide what treatment options are best for them”
4kMmJ TIL that the Man vs. Horse Marathon, held annually since 1980, has been won by a human only four times: in 2004, 2007, 2022 and 2023. In all other years, the victory has gone to a horse
PYape TIL in 1985, a Boeing 747 tumbled nearly 5.7 miles straight down before the pilots were able to get back control, just seconds before crashing. No one died.
Yp97A TIL that the inhabitants of islands that were temporarily occupied during the Pacific War thought they were being visited by gods, and when the soldiers eventually left, they formed rituals that imitate planes, runways, and marches to try to bring them back. Many still do this to this day.