› added 2 years ago


TIL that saying to treat something with "Kid Gloves" does not refer to children's gloves, but rather to gloves made from the hide of a young goat, known as a Kid

OokD1 TIL The Apollo 10 crew tested the procedures for the Apollo 11 mission, including a descent in the Lunar Module. However, NASA reduced the amount of fuel in the lander to keep the two astronauts from being tempted to stray from their mission and steal the first moon landing.
rRyrd TIL In 1964, a Swedish art gallery displayed 4 paintings by unknown artist Pierre Brassau. Every single art critic praised the ‘avant-garde’ work- except one, who said, ‘only an ape could have done this’. In fact it was all a hoax by a journalist and 'Brassau’ was actually a 4-year-old chimpanzee.
4kEkb TIL About the Edgewood Arsenal human experiment project conducted by the US Army chemical corps from 1948-1975 during which 7,000 soldiers were exposed to various nerve agents to test their results.
Zp5MQ TIL The film 'A Few Good Men' was inspired by a real life story. Aaron Sorkin's sister told him she signed up to work with the U. S. Navy JAG Corps and was defending a group of marines who nearly killed a fellow marine in a hazing ordered by a superior officer.
QNE0a TIL that some moths have a "stealth coating" that acts as an acoustic form of camouflage against bat predators. This scaly coating dampens the sound of their wings and helps them hide from an echolocating bat’s “view” of the night sky