› added 1 year ago


TIL that the black hole TON 618 is a very bright object in space that is located near the border of two constellations. It has one of the most massive black holes ever found and is as bright as 140 trillion suns. It’s located very far away from Earth, about 18.2 billion light-years away

BrX1L TIL of the Dyatlov Pass Incident. The mysterious unsolved death of 9 hikers who tore through their tents naked in sub-0 temperatures. 7 died of hypothermia, one of a fractured skull, one female team member had her tongue and eyes missing. Offical cause of death: "unknown compelling force"
N7pEb TIL The burial of Pompeii perfectly preserved Latin graffiti (some rather vulgar) etched into the walls, showing that humans' sense of humor has remained the same for many, many years. [NSFW]
b9vQ9 TIL In 1918, there was an outbreak of the 'Spanish Flu'. This was during WW1 and many countries had limits on what the press could write about, except Spain who was neutral. Thus, more reports came out about the flu from Spain causing people to think it was just happening there.
WkGld TIL about the Corps of Colonial Marines, a group of freed black American slaves, who participated for the United Kingdom in the War of 1812, including the Burning of Washington
R5wL1 TIL That When King Kalakaua was in the Mainland, in Kansas he got so drunk he passed out. The legislators had James Burns act as King Kalakaua. He noted that he was "never taken for a man of Color before" at the bottom of the newspaper