› added 1 year ago


TIL that in the 1960s, the US roasted a 1440-acre swath of Wisconsin forest with ~10,000 curies of radiation for 6 months in order to determine how it affected the area. Most of the damage was confined to the area directly adjacent to the source, and the area is completely non-hazardous today.

eyr4 TIL King Togbe Ngoryifia Bansah has ruled the GBI Traditional Area of the Ghana Volta Region from his home in Germany since 1992 when he got the crown following his grandfather’s death (as his left-handed father was not a rightful heir). He rules by phone, fax, and e-mail.
jNppN TIL in the UK in 2018 the risk of fatality per motor vehicle mile was about one-tenth that during the 1970s
nemLB TIL that the modern day American flag concept was created by a 17 year old for a school project. He received a B- and was told if congress accepted the flag, his grade would be reconsidered. When congress accepted the flag’s concept, the teacher then changed his grade to an A.
4Aka TIL that Lactase Persistence, the ability of humans to digest milk as an adult, is only common among Europeans and those of European ancestry, as a unique mutation. Most of the global population, including 90% of Asians and 100% of Native Americans, have some degree of lactose intolerance.
R9W9 TIL Vulture stomach systems are so strong they can process anthrax, cholera, and botulism. Their feces is completely sterile which cleans their legs (since they’ve been walking in the stuff most likely) and cools them down (they can’t sweat).