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TIL Kiviak is a traditional food from Greenland that is made of little seabird packed and fermented in a seal skin. Up to 500 whole birds, beaks and feathers included, are packed into the seal skin and then hidden in a heap of stones and left to ferment over the course of three months.

DZZP TIL in Boston if you a report a pothole, you get back both a photo of the filled pothole and a photo of the team that filled it.
OMJ4 TIL a POW named Charlie Cavendish told Swiss inspectors of the awful conditions that they were living in. He knew that the SS would kill him for doing so, but continued anyway to save his fellow men, which he did. Cavendish was missing at roll call the next day and was never seen again.
VPdB TIL that in South Korea, the number of guests at a wedding is so important that “fake guest” agencies exist
JY181 Did you wake up today with a craving for clay, or dirt? That’s called pica, an abnormal craving for substances other than typical food. If you went ahead and acted on your impulse, it's probably a good idea to head over to your doctor’s office. Research indicates that in most cases this craving is a result of a mineral or vitamin deficiency. This brings us to this week’s Today I Learned, as National Geographic Society grantee and ornithologist Luke Powell explains why macaws regularly munch on South American rain forest clay. Yummy! All animals (including humans) need salt to live. Animals that live in the Amazon rain forest face a curious predicament due to the way the Andes mountain range affects weather coming from the Pacific Ocean. This geography results in an extreme lack of salt in the Amazon and, consequentially, some unique behaviors and appetites.EDITOR: Laurence AlexanderSERIES PRODUCER: Chris Mattle
rxDw TIL that in 1964 civil rights activists spent the summer in Mississippi registering black voters. The resulting terror campaign against the activists included 35 shootings, 80 beatings, 30 bombings, and 35 church burnings. Several died. Over 1000 people were arrested.