› added 2 years ago


TIL Lam Kor-wan 林過雲 is one of Hong Kong's two known serial killers. He worked as a taxi driver and killed 4 women. He would pick up female passengers, strangle them, then take them to his family home, and dismember them. He was caught by trying to develop photographs of his victims in a Kodak shop.

VZkm TIL: When Thomas Jefferson became president in 1801, a Massachusetts church feared he would impose his French “religious infidelity” on the country – so their pastor delivered a “Mammoth Cheese” to the White House inscribed with a quote from Jefferson: “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God”
VMAG4 TIL that Wes Craven was inspired to write "A Nightmare on Elm Street" after reading an article about a boy who died during a nightmare. The boy and his family had escaped the Cambodian Killing Fields, and the boy experienced nightmares so disturbing he would often stay awake for days at a time.
78rp TIL: Streetlight Manifesto dislikes Victory Records so much, that they will not release an album that is finished under said label. And if they have to, they will put it up for torrenting themselves.
gMOlL TIL that Ulysses S Grant got a speeding ticket on a horse and was fined $5
d8r4d TIL 17-year-old Kenny Loggins wasn't going to be able to record his song "House at Pooh Corner" because Disney was enforcing their copyright to Winnie the Pooh. Upset, he mentioned this to his girlfriend, only to find out her dad was the president of Disney– he soon got permission.