› added 2 years ago


TIL that maggot therapy is an FDA approved treatment option for ulcers and wounds to promote healing. Live maggots are placed at the site of injury and eat the necrotic tissue, while also secreting anti-microbial chemicals.

wLoZo The numbers tell the story: Of the 648 people killed by lightning in the U.S. from 1995 to 2008, 82 percent were male. And as much as we were hoping to uncover a biological cause—extra iron in the male cranium, perhaps, or the conductive properties of testosterone—it turns out men are... just kind of stupid. “Men take more risks in lightning storms,” says John Jensenius, a lightning safety expert with the National Weather Service.
ZmmB TIL that the ampersand (&) was once the last letter of the alphabet. In latin the & was called “per se”. When reciting the alphabet people would say, “X, Y, Z and per se”. That last bit (“and per se”) eventually ran together to create the word, “ampersand”
ljx7 TIL that a coal power plant releases over 100 times more radiation into the environment than a nuclear power plant producing the same amount of energy
awKW0 TIL of Raffaele Bendandi, an Italian clockmaker who could predict earthquakes, such as the 1915 Avezzano earthquake which killed 30,000, using a self taught method that wasn't backed by science. Mussolini made Bendandi a Knight but banned his public predictions in 1928 because it harmed tourism.
wLB6P TIL a staggering number of wild bee species are unaccounted for. Researchers looking at the Global Biodiversity Information Facility found there were about 25% less bee species reported between 2006 and 2015 compared to the 1990s