› added 9 months ago


TIL that in 1985, a Yugoslavian farmer had a bottle inserted in his anus which broke and blamed it on two men of a minority group which gaine widespread coverage. Despite later testimony revealing that the wound was self-inflicted, the incident played a role in the future breakup of Yugoslavia.

ANQvo TIL that ex Confederate General Joseph E Johnston died after serving as a pallbearer at the funeral of his former opponent General Sherman in 1891. Despite rain and cold, Johnston refused to wear a hat, out of respect for Sherman.
neyy7 TIL there's a cancer treatment costing less than $5 USD; it injects ethanol (type of alcohol in beverages) into the tumor with cure rate on par with surgical removal. Duke University scientists boosted the cure rate by creating an ethyl cellulose-ethanol gel, curing 100% of cheek tumors in hamsters.
VE8k TIL a Japanese comedian was tricked into a real-life “Truman show” when he accepted a job which (unbeknownst to him) would lock him into an apartment, naked and cut off from everything and film him, without his knowledge. He gained possessions only thru entering hundreds of sweepstakes.
nWj4b TIL Negative effects of alcohol consumption by pregnant women on the child has been noted since Roman times. Also, alcohol was used to prevent preterm labour into the 1980s, sometimes being applied intravenously.
ZBO4 TIL that in the original script for ‘The Room’ there was a subplot which would reveal that Tommy Wiseau’s character Johnny was in fact a vampire.