› added 1 year ago


TIL that Pete Best, original drummer for the Beatles, released an album in 1965 called "Best of the Beatles" that contained no Beatles music, causing him to be investigated for consumer fraud. The case was dropped because no fraud had been committed. He was Best, of the Beatles

lNa7 TIL That a Syrian Bear had the rank of Corporal in the Polish Army during WW2, and after the War would be visited by former soldiers from his company and given cigarettes, which he would eat because there was no one to light them for him.
xVyQw TIL about 13-year old Eliza Armstrong who was purchased for £5 by journalist W.T. Stead in his attempt to expose sex slavery in Victorian London. Though his newspaper story led to tighter laws protecting women & girls, he was still arrested & jailed for abduction & procurement.
Z8ABQ TIL about the Agoge, the compulsory training program for all male citizens of ancient Sparta between the ages of 7 to 21. This included not only military training, but also tuition in dancing, singing, stealth and thievery, social skills, and loyalty to Sparta.
p8gPZ TIL in 1965 when Gatorade was invented at the University of Florida, the football coach wouldn't let researchers experiment on the varsity team and only allowed testing on freshman (who couldn't play varsity by NCAA rule). And those players described it as tasting like urine or toilet bowl cleaner.
XdpQ TIL we use “lbs” as shorthand for pounds in English because of the Latin phrase “libra poundo”, which is also where we derived “pounds” from