› added 11 years ago


TIL: that the “women make 77c on a man’s dollar” stat is obtained by averaging out a random group of men versus a random group of women. When adjusted for age, same career and same experience, women earn about 95.9-92.2c on a man’s dollar. (pg 29 for statistics)

A5Nw TIL: The actor who plays “Hodor” in Game of Thrones is also a progressive house DJ and used to be the resident DJ for a gay club in Belfast. He also went on a US tour called “Rave of Thrones”
VMDBp TIL of the phenomenon known as misophonia where certain repetitive sounds (commonly chewing) trigger specific emotional responses that are intolerant towards that noise. Common reactions are anger, annoyance, disgust, and even panic in an attempt to get away from the noise.
VMZ9Q TIL that when Indonesia became independent in 1949, it chose a new red and white flag (????????). Monaco complained bitterly about it, because it was exactly the same as their existing flag (????????). However, Monaco was then not a member of the UN, and was small enough to be ignored
JYxpl TIL - Mozart has a pet starling (bird) which could sing part of his piano concerto in G Major. He had bought it from a shop after hearing it sing a phrase from a work he wrote six weeks previously, which had not yet been performed in public
vV0j TIL learned there is a gang dubbed the “The Pink Panthers” who have stolen 100’s millions of dollars from banks and jewelers in crazy fashion (dressed in drag with prosthetics, fleeing in speed boats) oh, and they broke their leader out of prison using machine gun fire and a rope ladder