› added 7 years ago


TIL in order for the OD scene in Pulp Fiction to seem as real as possible, Quentin Tarantino filmed John Travolta removing the needle as fast as he could. Then in editing they reversed the footage so it looked as if Travolta was slamming the needle into Uma Thurman’s chest.

ndmW TIL PCWorld rated the ZIP drive as the 15th worst technology product of all time in 2006, but then rated it as the 23rd best technology product in 2007
Egovx TIL, children born in the early to mid-1980s are called "The DuckTales Generation" in Hungary, because their first encounter with politics happened in 1993, when a DuckTales episode they've been waiting for all week was cut short to announce the death of Prime Minister József Antall.
gM8AX TIL: African Pygmy tribes were essentially atheistic and were observed to have no cults, no rites, no totems, no deities, and no spirits. Dead were buried without ceremonies or gifts and received no further attention. They even appeared to lack simple superstitions, according to travelers' reports
nLyY TIL that “flotsam” is floating wreckage, “jetsam” is cargo that is purposely thrown overboard, “lagan” is goods lying at the bottom of the ocean but reclaimable, and “derelict” is cargo at the bottom of the ocean but lost. These terms are part of the law of admiralty and marine salvage.
LkVrZ TIL in 2005, Pizza Hut partnered with EverQuest II, an MMORPG, to add a /pizza command so players could order pizza without having to log out.