› added 9 years ago


TIL that A.C.Gilbert’s science based toys were so popular that he was called ‘the man who saved christmas’ by the papers.For a year, his company sold a kids 'atomic energy lab’ complete with Geiger counter, mini cloud chamber, and samples of several radioactive elements.

aL0M TIL- In 1933 America’s most senior, most decorated Marine, General Smedley Butler, told the House of Representitives that wealthy businessmen tried to recruit him to overthrow President Roosevelt in a coup, and install a fascist government.
4JrX TIL that for staring in the 1988 comedy film Twins, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito both agreed to take 20% of the film’s box office take instead of their usual salaries. This resulted in them receiving the biggest paychecks of their movie careers.
ADGN4 TIL that when Julius Ceasar was 25 he was captured by pirates in the Aegean Sea, the pirates demanded 20 silver talents as ransom not knowing who they captured. Ceasar insisted they demand 50 instead. When the ransom of 50 talents was, paid Ceasar assembled a fleet and crucified all of the pirates
XKoQ TIL that Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius (86 CE – 161 CE) had the most peaceful reign of any ruler in antiquity. There is no record of any major events or conflicts during his 23 year reign. He was a skilled administrator and was praised by his contemporaries for his effective style of governance.
ywbl TIL: Scientists have defined ‘Zealandia’ as the world’s 8th continent, 94 per cent of which is below the Pacific Ocean.