› added 7 months ago


TIL after being scolded by a woman who felt that his shoes were too expensive for kids, Shaq forwent a $40 million deal with Reebok & signed one with Walmart. He then brought in designers from Reebok so that his Walmart shoes would look costlier than the $20 price. Over 400 million pairs were sold.

0XZM TIL that during the Seige Of Malta, the Ottoman Turks tried to intimidate the Knights Hospitaller by executing their prisoners and floating them into the bay on crucifixes. The Knights responded by decaptating their prisoners and using cannons to fire their severed heads into the Turkish camp
lbKr TIL of the mastermind behind a multimillion $ credit card cloning ring who required that all accomplices engage in sadomasochistic group sex with him on video to ensure they weren’t undercover cops. He evaded detection for years and had 12 terabytes of porn storage when apprehended.
Lk4Pr TIL that NBA star Larry Bird would taunt the people guarding him by telling them exactly what he was going to do before he did it.
LQVmP TIL one of the quietest rooms in the world is the anechoic chamber at Microsoft's headquarters. People can only handle being in the room for less than an hour because the only sounds come from your own body (heartbeat, bones grinding, etc.), and it becomes very disorienting.
p8P9G TIL hemorrhoid cream is used off-label in the beauty industry as a face cream. People use it to help bring down the swelling of bags under the eyes. The effect is temporary though.