› added 1 year ago


TIL that the Brazilian village of Candido Godoi, 7k inhabitants mostly of German descent, have the greatest birth rate of twins in the world (1/5 births). Some believe it is the result of genetic experiments of nazi medic Mengele, notorious for his obsession with creating an Aryan race.

5V97D TIL embalming was popularized in the United States by the need to transport the bodies of Civil War soldiers home for burial and especially by the display and transport of Abraham Lincoln's body after his assassination.
6EjLm TIL if you combine the titles of Breaking Bad S2's 1st, 4th, 9th and 13th episodes you get "Seven Thirty-Seven Down Over ABQ," which alludes to the plane crash at the end of the season. These episodes all include an opening teaser featuring a scorched pink teddy bear floating in Walt's pool.
v9L TIL Rolex is a lot of hype and became expensive during the 80’s with ‘yuppies’ buying them up. They also are not handmade and are mass produced.
nel7P TIL that when the German army broke through French lines in 1918, a small battalion of US marines disregarded general orders to retreat and dug shallow holes with their bayonets. The German advance was stopped after six days of fierce fighting, and the marines had been given a new name-- Devil Dogs.
GJBE TIL there are a type of mites, called Adactylidium, that are impregnated while still inside their mother’s body. The mites then devour their mother from the inside out to go on and repeat the cycle.