› added 2 years ago


TIL that the Colegio de Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco is the first and oldest European school of higher learning in the Americas, established by the Franciscans in 1536.

Yp7m7 Consider the autoclave, which scientists use to sterilize tools and which issues scalding steam to do so. Or consider the heat gun, which is used to dry glassware and to warm distillation devices. It can also ignite anything flammable that gets too close. Glass containers in a vacuum can implode, spraying shards everywhere. Centrifuge rotors can fail, causing explosions that throw shock waves throughout a lab filled with chemicals. Steel vessels built to contain liquids and gases at hundreds of pounds of pressure per square inch can rupture, hurling metal at lab workers.
Wkkp9 TIL that when the Sears magazine printers switched from a thin, newspaper-like stock to a more modern glossy paper stock, people wrote in to the company to complain that the magazine couldn't be used for toilet paper anymore.
QNGLp TIL that in an unrivaled capacity to taunt the enemy US Army General Matthew Ridgway would stand in the middle of a road under heavy artillery fire and urinate to demonstrate his contempt for German accuracy. Aides and fellow generals repeatedly begged him to abandon this bravado. He ignored them.
VMoL0 TIL that Samuel L. Jackson has been in over 2 films per year since 1987, more often than not, exceeding that number.
5YNoD TIL that Lisa Marie Presley the daughter of Elvis Presley threw Nicolas Cage’s $65,000 engagement ring into the ocean during a fight on his yacht. Cage hired professional divers to find the ring, but the ring was never recovered.