› added 10 years ago


Til: in Judaism, Adam had a wife before Eve. Lilith & Adam, created as equals, argued over who got to be dominant sexually. Lilith left Eden to become a succubus, causing wet dreams, stealing semen to make demon babies, & causing miscarriages. God sent 3 angels to bring her back, but they failed.

GAKm5 TIL: Japanese nobles, particularly children of the Imperial Family still receive their education at Gakushūin. It was founded in 1847 and meant to educate children of noble birth with limited spots to the public from preschool to university. Many current politicians and generals come from there.
x6XD0 TIL that MRI machines were originally called NMRI machines but they were forced to drop the first word - “Nuclear” - due to its negative connotations associated by the public.
BbJy TIL that prior to the income tax being enacted in 1913, the U.S. government got up to 40% of its revenue from alcohol taxes. Without the income tax in place, the Prohibition Amendment would likely not have been proposed by the Senate in 1917.
8yyX TIL Shakira has been making music for more than 23 years and can play the guitar, drums, percussion and harmonica. She also speaks 7 different languages, is the founder of a charity called Pies Descalzos and is a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF.
Oo1Ma TIL about the "whale pump". Whales tend to defecate in surface waters; additionally the feces tend to float. Whales feed at deeper levels of the ocean where krill is found. The fecal action of whales thus reverses the usual flow of nutrients of the ocean's "biological pump"